Fish Creek Estuary Area Planning

The Fish Creek Recreation Area on Douglas Island is a popular recreation area and contains valuable fish and wildlife habitat. Fish Creek is within and near the lands of the Áak’w Kwáan and the T’aakú Kwáan people. The City and Borough of Juneau, Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition, and Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game and MRV Architects have teamed up to improve recreation opportunities and restore stream and natural habitat.

MRV conducted a community survey asking a series of ranking and open-ended questions to gain an understanding of the current creek values, uses, and needs for the community. The survey garnered 385 responses. MRV also invited the Fish Creek Community to two on-site walkthroughs to discuss the restoration plans for the area.

Historical Background Information

The area has a rich history that hosted several settlements. To read more check out Discovery Southeast’s Juneau Nature blog by Richard Carstensen.
